Results for 'Valeria Emi Mara Sgueglia'

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  1.  27
    Nietzsche e il buddhismo. Osservazioni introduttive a uno studio comparativo.Valeria Emi Mara Sgueglia - 1993 - Studi Filosofici 16:181.
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    Adolescents' Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Mediating Role in the Association Between SEL Skills and Mental Health.Ilaria Grazzani, Alessia Agliati, Valeria Cavioni, Elisabetta Conte, Sabina Gandellini, Mara Lupica Spagnolo, Veronica Ornaghi, Francesca Micol Rossi, Carmel Cefai, Paul Bartolo, Liberato Camilleri & Mollie Rose Oriordan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of social and emotional learning skills and resilience in explaining mental health in male and female adolescents, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three self-report questionnaires were administered to 778 participants aged between 11 and 16 years and recruited from 18 schools in Northern Italy. The SSIS-SELb-S and the CD-RISC 10 assessed SEL and resilience skills respectively, while the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was used to measure mental health in terms of (...)
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    The Ethics of Genetic Engineering.Emy Lucassen - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (1):51-62.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to determine whether genetic engineering is ever acceptable. The prominent arguments which have been put forward by the opponents of genetic engineering are examined and evaluated. The arguments ‘we should not interfere with nature’, ‘we should not alter the genetic constitution of organisms’, and ‘we should not alter the genetic constitution of organisms to this extent’are found to be inadequate as valid arguments against all genetic engineering. However, it remains a possibility that there (...)
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    A Sexual Series.Emie // Eva-Marie Elg - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):321-335.
    Sara Ahmed’s enquiry on what it means for sexuality to be lived as oriented from the work Queer Phenomenology inspired the art series ‘A Sexual Series’, based on post-humanist theory and asexual experience. Shapes of performative alter egos materialized from a queer cyborg position of technologically enhanced crip experiences (the strong symbolical constructing process of straightening scoliosis surgery). From being a glitch of the past towards a post-individualist future, the artificial intelligence sexbot is a metaphoric, elevated cyborg drag version of (...)
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    Playing in the lion's Jaws: Metatextuality in Martial's ‘Lion and Hare’ Cycle.Emi C. Brown - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):249-259.
    This paper aims to provide an analysis of the metatextual function of one of the most well-known elements of Martial's Epigrams, the ‘lion and hare’ cycle from Book 1. This cycle, in which a hare is held precariously but safely in the jaws of a lion, has historically been read as representing the relationship between Domitian and poet. This paper aims to expand on this reading of the cycle while considering a largely unexplored point of view: the metatexual function of (...)
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    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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    Escola Base: onde e como estão os protagonistas do maior crime da imprensa brasileira.Emílio Coutinho - 2019 - São Paulo, SP: Flutuante Editora.
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  8. Azadî le nêwan felsefe w yasada: twêjîneweyek le felsefey yasa w siyasetda.Miḧemed Emîn & Kameran Eḧmed - 2005 - Silêmanî: Dezgay Çap u Pexşî Serdem.
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  9. Crônicas de um médico.Emílio Grinbaum - 1975 - Belo Horizonte: Escola Alberto Einstein.
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  10. Social and Cultural Reproduction in Japan.Emi Kataoka - forthcoming - Sociological Theory.
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    Co‐creating Environments: Empowering Elders and Strengthening Communities through Design.Emi Kiyota - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):46-49.
    Working with elders around the world has taught me that those living in grass huts in Africa with children at their feet are often happier than people in assisted‐living homes with a chandelier over their heads. My work in design consultancy and in fifteen years of running a nonprofit, Ibasho, that aims to co‐create socially integrated and sustainable communities that value their elders has allowed me to learn much about how architects and designers can contribute to helping people live a (...)
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    What constitutes a reasonable compensation for non-commercial oocyte donors: an analogy with living organ donation and medical research participation.Emy Kool, Rieke van der Graaf, Annelies Bos, Bartholomeus Fauser & Annelien Bredenoord - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):736-741.
    There is a growing consensus that the offer of a reasonable compensation for oocyte donation for reproductive treatment is acceptable if it does not compromise voluntary and altruistically motivated donation. However, how to translate this ‘reasonable compensation’ in practice remains unclear as compensation rates offered to oocyte donors between different European Union countries vary significantly. Clinics involved in oocyte donation, as well as those in other medical contexts, might be encouraged in calculating a more consistent and transparent compensation for donors (...)
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    Intersex Surgery.Emi Koyama - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (2):4-4.
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  14. Von der sozialen Konstruktion zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Wie wir unsere Lehre zu Intersex verändern.Emi Koyama - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (28):79-89.
  15.  21
    Put–call parity and generalized neo-additive pricing rules.Emy Lécuyer & Jean-Philippe Lefort - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (3-4):521-542.
    We study price formulas suited for empirical research in financial markets in which put–call parity is satisfied. We find a connection between risk and the bid–ask spread. We further study the compatibility of the model with market frictions, and determine market subsets where the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing applies. Finally, we characterize the price formula.
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  16. Felsefey Îslamîy: Kîndîy u Farabî.Hawjîn Mela Emîn - 2015 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Nawendî Ẍezelnûs.
  17. Kitêbî Îʻtîzal: begiriftkirdinî jiyan le sayey desełat u kultûrî Îslamîda.Hawjîn Mela Emîn - 2017 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Nawendî Ẍezelnûs. Edited by Aram Ḧacî.
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    Highlighted moves within an action: segmented talk in Japanese conversation.Emi Morita - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (4):517-541.
    Japanese conversational data reveal that Japanese speakers produce, and recipients orient to, smaller units of talk than what the conventional notion of a `turn constructional unit' represents. Unlike TCUs, such units may be grammatically, prosodically and pragmatically incomplete and may happen on the sub-phrasal level of discourse, as Japanese conversationalists prosodically break up even a single semantic constituent with the insertion of an interactional particle. In this article, I give numerous examples of how such practices of separating a segment of (...)
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  19. Sefer Neʻimah ḳedoshah.AryLeyb ben Neḥemy - 1781 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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  20. Śārīraka-catussūtrī-vicāra of Bellaṅkoṇḍā Rāmarāyakavi =.Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya - 2011 - Chennai: The Adi Sankara Advaita Research Centre. Edited by R. Balasubramanian, Gōḍā Veṅkaṭēśvara Śāstri, V. K. S. N. Raghavan & Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya.
    Interpretation of first four sutras of Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa on the basis of Śaṅkarācārya's commentary on Vedanta.
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  21. Quantum Dialogue: The Making of a Revolution.Mara Beller - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Science is rooted in conversations," wrote Werner Heisenberg, one of the twentieth century's great physicists. In Quantum Dialogue, Mara Beller shows that science is rooted not just in conversation but in disagreement, doubt, and uncertainty. She argues that it is precisely this culture of dialogue and controversy within the scientific community that fuels creativity. Beller draws her argument from her radical new reading of the history of the quantum revolution, especially the development of the Copenhagen interpretation. One of several (...)
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  22.  45
    Moral Stress and Moral Distress: Confronting Challenges in Healthcare Systems under Pressure.Mara Buchbinder, Alyssa Browne, Nancy Berlinger, Tania Jenkins & Liza Buchbinder - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):8-22.
    Stresses on healthcare systems and moral distress among clinicians are urgent, intertwined bioethical problems in contemporary healthcare. Yet conceptualizations of moral distress in bioethical inquiry often overlook a range of routine threats to professional integrity in healthcare work. Using examples from our research on frontline physicians working during the COVID-19 pandemic, this article clarifies conceptual distinctions between moral distress, moral injury, and moral stress and illustrates how these concepts operate together in healthcare work. Drawing from the philosophy of healthcare, we (...)
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  23.  57
    Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots of neuronal excitation: How arousal amplifies selectivity in perception and memory.Mara Mather, David Clewett, Michiko Sakaki & Carolyn W. Harley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-100.
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  24. Key Concept: Loneliness.Valeria Motta - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):71-81.
  25.  47
    Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):406-426.
    A key question in the theory of migration and in public debates on immigration policies is when migration can be said to be voluntary and when, conversely, it should be seen as nonvoluntary. In a previous article, we tried to answer this crucial question by providing a list of conditions we view as sufficient for migration to be considered nonvoluntary. According to our account, one condition that makes migration nonvoluntary is when people migrate because they lack acceptable alternatives to doing (...)
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  26.  20
    The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New Perspectives of Well-Being.Valeria Saladino, Davide Algeri & Vincenzo Auriemma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27. Introduction: Varieties of Iconicity.Valeria Giardino & Gabriel Greenberg - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):1-25.
    This introduction aims to familiarize readers with basic dimensions of variation among pictorial and diagrammatic representations, as we understand them, in order to serve as a backdrop to the articles in this volume. Instead of trying to canvas the vast range of representational kinds, we focus on a few important axes of difference, and a small handful of illustrative examples. We begin in Section 1 with background: the distinction between pictures and diagrams, the concept of systems of representation, and that (...)
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  28. The birth of Bohr's complementarity: The context and the dialogues.Mara Beller - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1):147-180.
  29.  36
    Opening the Door: Rethinking “Difficult Conversations” about Living and Dying with Dementia.Mara Buchbinder & Nancy Berlinger - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S1):22-28.
    This essay looks closely at metaphors and other figures of speech that often feature in how Americans talk about dementia, becoming part of cultural narratives: shared stories that convey ideas and values, and also worries and fears. It uses approaches from literary studies to analyze how cultural narratives about dementia may surface in conversations with family members or health care professionals. This essay also draws on research on a notable social effect of legalizing medical aid in dying: patients may find (...)
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  30.  36
    MAID in America: Expanding Our Gaze on the Ethics of Assistance.Mara Buchbinder - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):22-24.
    Bioethical concerns about the potential for abuse in medical aid in dying (MAID) have focused primarily on the risk of coercion (Battin et al. 2007; Foley and Hendin 2002). Accordingly, the require...
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  31.  42
    Solidarity with Wild Animals.Mara-Daria Cojocaru & Alasdair Cochrane - 2023 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 26 (2):198-216.
    ABSTRACT‘Solidarity’ is a key concept in political movements and usually bears on matters of labour, health and social justice. As such, it is essential in the reproduction and transformation of communities that support their members and protect their interests. It is sometimes overlooked that interspecies solidarity already pertains with a number of domesticated animals, and that people are willing to carry substantial emotional, financial and social burdens to benefit them. There has been even more reluctance to acknowledge wild animals as (...)
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    Which Kind of Body in “Mental” Pathologies? Phenomenological Insights on the Nature of the Disrupted Self.Valeria Bizzari - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (2):116-127.
    Guided by a phenomenological perspective, this paper aims to account for the existence of a corporeal consciousness—something that clinicians should take into account, not merely in the case of physical pathologies but especially in the case of mental disorders. Firstly, I will highlight three cases: schizophrenia, depression, and autism spectrum disorder. Then, I will show how these cases correspond to three different kinds of bodily existence: disembodiment (in the case of schizophrenia), chrematization (in melancholic depression), and dyssynchrony (in the autism (...)
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  33. Inclusivist Egalitarian Liberalism and Temporary Migration: A Dilemma.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (2):202-224.
  34.  83
    Matrix Theory before Schrodinger: Philosophy, Problems, Consequences.Mara Beller - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):469-491.
  35.  83
    Reframing Conscientious Care: Providing Abortion Care When Law and Conscience Collide.Mara Buchbinder, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):22-30.
    “It's almost like putting salt in a wound, for this person who's already made a very difficult decision,” suggested Meghan Patterson, a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist whom we interviewed in our qualitative study of the experiences of North Carolina abortion providers practicing under the state's Woman's Right to Know Act. The act requires that women receive counseling with state-mandated information at least twenty-four hours prior to obtaining an abortion. After the law was passed, Patterson worked with clinic administrators, in consultation with a (...)
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    Face-to-Face with the Doctor Online: Phenomenological Analysis of Patient Experience of Teleconsultation.Māra Grīnfelde - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (4):673-696.
    The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the adoption of teleconsultation—a form of consultation between patient and health care professional that occurs via videoconferencing platforms. For this reason, it is important to investigate the way in which this form of interaction modifies the nature of the clinical encounter and the extent to which this modification impacts the healing process. For this purpose, I will refer to insights into the clinical encounter as a face-to-face encounter drawn from the (...)
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    Born's probabilistic interpretation: A case study of ‘concepts in flux’.Mara Beller - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (4):563-588.
  38. Tools for Thought: The Case of Mathematics.Valeria Giardino - 2018 - Endeavour 2 (42):172-179.
    The objective of this article is to take into account the functioning of representational cognitive tools, and in particular of notations and visualizations in mathematics. In order to explain their functioning, formulas in algebra and logic and diagrams in topology will be presented as case studies and the notion of manipulative imagination as proposed in previous work will be discussed. To better characterize the analysis, the notions of material anchor and representational affordance will be introduced.
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  39.  61
    Bohr’s Response to EPR.Mara Beller & Arthur Fine - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse, Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1–31.
  40.  15
    Body objectified? Phenomenological perspective on patient objectification in teleconsultation.Māra Grīnfelde - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):335-349.
    The global crisis of COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the use of teleconsultation (consultation between the patient and the doctor via video platforms). While it has some obvious benefits and drawbacks for both the patient and the doctor, it is important to consider—how teleconsultation impacts the quality of the patient-doctor relationship? I will approach this question through the lens of phenomenology of the body, focusing on the question—what happens to the patient objectification in teleconsultation? To answer this question I will (...)
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    Approaching virtuousness through organizational ethical quality: toward a moral corporate social responsibility.Michael O'Mara-Shimek, Manuel Guillén & Alexis J. Bañón Gomis - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):144-155.
    Today, in both theory and practice, the concepts of corporate social responsibility and ethics are not necessarily related. Organizations can demonstrate high levels of social proactivity in their CSR policies with or without having laudable levels of ethical quality or virtuousness. This article introduces the concepts of organizational ethical quality to evaluate the moral excellence of CSR actions and policies, identifying and categorizing varying levels ranging from the absence of ethical virtuousness, termed immoral CSR, to high levels of moral CSR, (...)
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  42.  70
    The Garden as an Art.Mara Miller - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    In this book Miller challenges contemporary aesthetic theory to include gardens in an expanded definition of art.
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  43. Psychopathy, Autism and Questions of Moral Agency.Mara Bollard - 2013 - In Christopher D. Herrera & Alexandra Perry, Ethics and Neurodiversity. Cambridge Scholars University. pp. 238-259.
    In recent years, philosophers have looked to empirical findings about psychopaths to help determine whether moral agency is underwritten by reason, or by some affective capacity, such as empathy. Since one of psychopaths’ most glaring deficits is a lack of empathy, and they are widely considered to be amoral, psychopaths are often taken as a test case for the hypothesis that empathy is necessary for moral agency. However, people with autism also lack empathy, so it is reasonable to think that (...)
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  44.  43
    Modularity and spatial reorientation in a simple mind: encoding of geometric and nongeometric properties of a spatial environment by fish.Valeria Anna Sovrano, Angelo Bisazza & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2002 - Cognition 85 (2):B51-B59.
  45.  77
    Sweet Little Lies: Social Context and the Use of Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns, Carol T. Kulik & Lin Chew - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):13-26.
    Social context shapes negotiators’ actions, including their willingness to act unethically. We use a simulated negotiation to test how three dimensions of social context—dyadic gender composition, negotiation strategy, and trust—interact to influence one micro-ethical decision, the use of deception. Deception in all-male dyads was relatively unaffected by trust or the other negotiator’s strategy. In mixed-sex dyads, negotiators consistently increased their use of deception when three forms of trust were low and opponents used an accommodating strategy. However, in all-female dyads, negotiators (...)
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  46. Is There Such a Thing as Genuinely Moral Disgust?Mara Bollard - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (2):501-522.
    In this paper, I defend a novel skeptical view about moral disgust. I argue that much recent discussion of moral disgust neglects an important ontological question: is there a distinctive psychological state of moral disgust that is differentiable from generic disgust, and from other psychological states? I investigate the ontological question and propose two conditions that any aspiring account of moral disgust must satisfy: it must be a genuine form of disgust, and it must be genuinely moral. Next, I examine (...)
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  47.  58
    Advancing a Data Justice Framework for Public Health Surveillance.Mara Buchbinder, Eric Juengst, Stuart Rennie, Colleen Blue & David L. Rosen - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (3):205-213.
    Background Bioethical debates about privacy, big data, and public health surveillance have not sufficiently engaged the perspectives of those being surveilled. The data justice framework suggests that big data applications have the potential to create disproportionate harm for socially marginalized groups. Using examples from our research on HIV surveillance for individuals incarcerated in jails, we analyze ethical issues in deploying big data in public health surveillance. -/- Methods We conducted qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 24 people living with HIV who had (...)
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  48. Mutually Dependent: Power, Trust, Affect and the Use of Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns & Philip L. Smith - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):347-365.
    Using a simulated two-party negotiation, we examined how trustworthiness and power balance affected deception. In order to trigger deception, we used an issue that had no value for one of the two parties. We found that high cognitive trust increased deception whereas high affective trust decreased deception. Negotiators who expressed anxiety also used more deception whereas those who expressed optimism also used less deception. The nature of the negotiating relationship (mutuality and level of dependence) interacted with trust and negotiators’ affect (...)
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    Disentangling the Effects of Arousal and Valence on Memory for Intrinsic Details.Mara Mather & Matthew Sutherland - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (2):118-119.
    Kensinger (2009) and Mather (2007) both argue that intrinsic features of emotional items are remembered better than intrinsic features of non-emotional items. However, Kensinger attributes these effects to negative valence whereas Mather attributes them to arousal. In this paper, we note several reasons why arousal may be the driving factor even when a study reveals more detailed memory for negative items than for positive items. We also reanalyze previous data (Mather & Nesmith, 2008) to show that although both arousal and (...)
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  50.  46
    Absence of other and disruption of self: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the meaning of loneliness in the context of life in a religious community.Valeria Motta & Michael Larkin - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):55-80.
    Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is an idiographic approach to qualitative research. It is widely used in psychologically-informed studies which aim to understand the meaning and context of specific experiences. In this paper, we provide some background and introduction to the principles and processes underpinning IPA research. We extend this via a practical example, reporting on selected analyses from a study which explores the phenomenology and meaning of loneliness, through interviews conducted with a group of religious women. Through our observations on (...)
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